Working with animals can bring out the best in people. A good example of this case is Anny the big yellow anaconda. She’s a snake that I was involved in helping and a few good people came together to help Anny get the life she deserves. It started with a text from my good friend … Continue reading “Anaconda Rescue”
Category: Uncategorized
Venom, Anti-Venom & First-Aid
Venom Venom is specialised salivary excretions made up of proteins and peptides. All venomous snakes carry numerous different active proteins in their venom and the reaction depends on factors like the size and sensitivity of the victims as much as it does on the compounds of the venom. For example, while a Black Mamba envenomation … Continue reading “Venom, Anti-Venom & First-Aid”
What I Do
I relocate snakes and I provide medical help and rehabilitation to snakes that are not so well. RELOCATION OF SNAKES When snakes find their way onto peoples properties, they become a danger to residents and pets. In the Western Cape area where I work, snakes become more active in our spring and summer months … Continue reading “What I Do”
Cape Cobra | Naja nivea
Cape Cobras are a medium sized cobra that usually reach around 1.5 m, they have been recorded 2.5 m in some areas but it’s not common. They have round pupils and are smooth scaled, there scales are glossy with 19-21 rows mid body, and the subcaudals are paired 50-68 with 195-227 ventral scales. The coloration … Continue reading “Cape Cobra | Naja nivea”
Puff Adder
in-depth Description Adult are normally from 900 mm up to 1.5 m in some parts of their range. The puff adders head is large and distinct from the body with lots of small scales. The eyes are small with vertical pupils. The nostrils are large and face up. The fangs are large hinged fangs. The … Continue reading “Puff Adder”
New Born T Albolabris
Some of my new born T Albolabris. White Lipped Tree Vipers. These snakes are mildly venomous and are arboreal. The first mom had 6 and the second mom had 14. They gave birth to live young. The babies are around 7 cm at birth and grow quickly over the next few weeks. They will shed … Continue reading “New Born T Albolabris”
Spring Fair at Imhoff Waldorf School
On Saturday, 1nd September, I spent some time with the wonderful kids from Imhoff Waldorf School at their Spring Fair event. I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who made this day a success! I had lots of fun doing the show. Here are some videos and pictures from the day. … Continue reading “Spring Fair at Imhoff Waldorf School”
Book A Show!
Book a show to learn and interact with snakes. Contact me on 064 681 0779 or email